LIVE IM 25h w/ Tschief, Tilmann Schanze + YVY MARAEY

Do. 23. Mai 2024, 19:00 Uhr


At „LIVE IM 25h“, the pop culture event series at the 25hours Hotel in Bikini Berlin, young artists from a wide range of disciplines meet each month.

Sebastian Becker has been publishing short poetic and handwritten texts online under the pseudonym TSCHIEF since 2013. His handwriting has become his trademark and has set him apart from many other writers on the internet from the very beginning. More than 100,000 people now follow his writing and thoughts on Instagram.

Tilmann Schanze
The Berlin writer Tilmann Schanze (25) writes poems about everything that moves him and hits the nerve of his generation with his own style. One of his texts was aptly described as "a bit like salt in the wound. But somehow I'm into it", and that fits. At least he thinks so.

Although Yvy Marãey grew up in Berlin as the daughter of a German mother, she never let go of her father's Brazilian culture. Together with the New Zealand guitarist and producer Simon Abela, she pursued this interest and began to combine Brazilian rhythms with contemporary R&B. Crystal clear and soulful vocals in English and Portuguese are combined with playful melodies and relaxed beats. Yvy Marãey presents herself in a light and informal manner with a mixture of European and Latin American sounds that find common roots in catchy grooves.

25hours Hotel Bikini Berlin
Budapester Str. 40 - 10787 Berlin - DE
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