Reggae Workers of the World

Di. 26. Juni 2018, 21:00 Uhr


Vic Ruggiero knows some pretty interesting artists, and in the summer 2013 he was conducting an exciting musical venture!

Vic sought out Jesse Wagner of The Aggrolites and Nicolas Leonard of The Caroloregians & The Moon Invaders for a recording session that summer in Belgium. While on the road, between a busy Slackers‘ schedule and his own solo gigs, he began to think of a way to work with two of his favorite modern musicians—singer, Jesse Wagner, and drummer Nicolas Leonard—and how a collaboration with both could be made possible. Now, 5 years later they are ready to release their 2nd Album and will do a short tour throughout Germany and some surrounding countries.
Große Elbstraße 84 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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