Japanese Breakfast // Münster

Fr. 11. Mai 2018, 19:00 Uhr


Japanese Breakfast
präsentiert von Powerline Agency
veranstaltet von Sparta Live

"The title Soft Sounds From Another Planet alludes to the promise of something that may or may not be there. Like a hope in something more. The songs are about human resilience and the strength it takes to claw out of the darkest of spaces."

Michelle Zauner wrote the debut Japanese Breakfast album in the weeks after her mother died of cancer, thinking she would quit music entirely once it was done. That wasn't the case. When Psychopomp was released to acclaim in 2016, she was forced to confront her grief. Zauner would find find herself reliving traumatic memories multiple times a day during interviews, trying to remain composed while discussing the most painful experience of her life. Her sophomore album, Soft Sounds From Another Planet, is a transmutation of mourning, a reflection that turns back on the cosmos in search of healing.

Einlass: 19.00 Uhr
Beginn: 20.00 Uhr

VVK-Start: Fr., 02.Februar - ab 10.00 Uhr

Tickets an allen gängigen VVK-Stellen und online unter www.eventim.de
Am Haverkamp 31 - 48155 Münster - DE
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