Raster INDEX

Mo. 30. April 2018, 18:30 Uhr


@MONOM studio:
Frank Bretschneider in 4DSOUND (start 20:00h)

@Studio 1, AV Live Performances:
Dasha Rush

@Foyer, Live Performances + DJ Set:
Grischa Lichtenberger
Robert Lippok
Mieko Suzuki

On April 30, high-profile German electronic record label and artistic platform »raster« will present a further »raster. index« showcase night, this time at Funkhaus Berlin.

The night will start at the MONOM studio where label co-founder Frank Bretschneider will present an exclusive performance in 4DSOUND. Moving to Studio 1, Atom™ will present his new AV live set "Deep State", followed by an experimental AV live set by Dasha Rush and finally the premiere of label head Byetone's new AV show, featuring a special guest. The evening will continue in the Foyer with live sets by Robert Lippok (with a new album coming this spring), Grischa Lichtenberger and »raster« resident DJ Mieko Suzuki.

Robert Lippok live at Plivka, Kiev:

Grischa Lichtenberger live at Plivka, Kiev:

Grischa Lichtenberger »1216_28 binaries mix of remixes«:

Frank Bretschneider and Pierce Warnecke »SINN + FORM«:

Frank Bretschneider »Flicker.Funk«:
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