iBeer eX +

Fr. 16. März 2018, 21:00 Uhr


iBeerX Plus
March 16th || 21h00-3h00

Did you enjoy our last iBeer eX event?
If so, then you should definitely continue reading!

About two months ago, we hosted our first freebeer event and it was a HUGE success. We set the bar pretty high, almost out of reach, but that doesn't mean it can't be beaten!

As always, you won't need to worry about the amount of creativity flowing into this project!
The iBeer eX Plus freebeer will be based on the iBeer eX freebeer but you will see great improvements and changes! We won't give you the exact same product twice, just like apple would
145 r. de la Tour Jacob - 1831 Luxembourg - L
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