Counterweight pres. NX1 & ANTN

Fr. 26. Januar 2018, 23:00 Uhr


Counterweight pres.

NX1 [Nexe Records | Barcelona]
ANTN [Counterweight, TRTLNCK | Aarhus]
Gonzo MDF [Counterweight | Munich]
Marco H [Counterweight | Munich]

The first event of 2018 will be the kickoff of a new concept for our events. During the last two years we invited new artists to every Counterweight night, mainly established artists of the techno scene that never played in Munich before.
In 2018 we will keep the quality of the bookings but we want to offer even more. We will keep on bringing established artists every month but besides them, we will introduce new artists that are fascinating us with their skills behind the decks or their productions, despite being less popular.
We gained your trust and support during these two years, now it’s time to offer more and to take more risks by supporting new rising talents.

Nobody else than the spanish duo NX1 will be headlining our party in January and of course they will be playing in Munich for the very first time.
They came in with strength into the international techno scene with the release of their first record on their label in late 2011. NX1 01 was limited to 200 hand stamped white vinyl copies that in just a few days reached the top sellers on the renowned website from Dutch distributor This, in turn, made them receive immediate support by heavy weights of the genre such as Surgeon and Marcel Dettmann among many others.
From this point on, following the “Do It Yourself” philosophy, they have continued to produce a wide range of material from which many big personalities in the scene have been feeding. Thanks to this the spotlights have been slowly moving towards their releases and productions. Demanded for collaborations on labels such as Semantic Modularz, M_Rec. Ltd, names like Oscar Mulero, Kirk Degiorgio and Terence Fixmer have also asked for their contributions to their respective projects. This has inevitably led them to gain recognition from the international press and catapulted them into a series of performances in clubs and events all over Europe that allowed them to highlight their capabilities as producers and their ability on stage.

And who the f*** is ANTN?
We are more than pleased to present the new Counterweight artist, our new family member directly from Aarhus/Denmark.
Nicolai, working as a sound engineer for many years, has already left his footprint in the music scene producing dubstep and grime tracks in the past and now here he is to break the rules with his Synthesizer army.
As ANTN he already released some tracks on the very interesting danish label TRTLNCK, and of course, he will be responsible for the third release on our label, due out in March.
With an outstanding hardware collection (aka synth-orgy) Nicolai sets up an analogue live performance that is really made for a Counterweight party. His brutal kicks, cut up voice samples, relentless hi-hats and aggressive synths convince from the very first second and you will easily understand, why we’ve chosen him.
Rote Sonne
Maximiliansplatz 5 - 80333 München - DE
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