Counterweight 2 Years

Fr. 29. Dezember 2017, 23:00 Uhr


Line-up /

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Marco H [Counterweight,Munich]
Gonzo MDF [Counterweight, Munich]

It's 2 years since our first event at Rote Sonne where we invited the great Dax J to Munich.
A lot of things happened during this time, a lot of great moments, memories, a lot of great artists, ravers and pfeffi ....
The concept of our Counterweight nights was to bring artists to Munich that hadn’t played in the city before... The 2 Years Counterweight will be an exception. We will repeat what we consider one of the best acts we had to make a special RAVE out of this night.
...We are already working on a new concept for Counterweight that starts in January '18... stay tuned


Rote Sonne
Maximiliansplatz 5 - 80333 München - DE
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