The Sunpilots (album preview show) w/ Geronimo & Ben Wuyts

Do. 07. Dezember 2017, 19:30 Uhr


Entry: 7 € pre-sale // 10 € at door
Buy tickets:

THE SUNPILOTS (Alt. rock // Australia)
A special album preview show for our friends and fans in Berlin. We’ll be playing all the songs from our upcoming record.
New album demo 1:
New album demo 2:

w/ special guests:

GERONIMO (Post-grunge // Berlin)
Formed in 2014, Geronimo have played their way through Berlin’s streets, living rooms and stages and will be releasing their second EP later this month.

BEN WUYTS (Indie // UK)
British born songwriter Ben Wuyts fuses the influence of artists such as Jeff Buckley and Father John Misty with soulful vocal performances.
Badehaus Szimpla
Revaler Straße 99 - 10245 Berlin - DE
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