Hardcore Superstar

Fr. 17. November 2017, 18:00 Uhr


Many bands play it safe – Hardcore Superstar doesn't.
The Swedish four-piece had the balls to marry two styles that grew up hating each other. We're talking about thrash metal and sleaze rock. The former hard, aggressive and ugly, the latter catchy, melodic and decadent.
The bastard child's name?

We play street metal, offers drummer Magnus "Adde" Andreasson. Thrash and sleaze both come from the gutter. They wear big sneakers, they are a bit stupid and they both read pulp fiction. I can't believe that nobody brought them together before.

Hardcore Superstar did just that with the band's fourth and eponymous album, released in 2005. But the quartet didn't arrive overnight, rather paying its dues during a rocky but rewarding ride.

Weitere Infos und Tickets unter: https://hamburgkonzerte.de/konzerte/hardcore-superstar/
Große Freiheit 58 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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