City Of Caterpillar + Cetacea

Sa. 15. Juli 2017, 21:00 Uhr


City Of Caterpillar (USA) + cetacea (Emo Violence, HH/Bremen)

This is the their first time ever in the Europe! After a couple insane / sold out re union shows in the USA earlier this year that celebrated the re issue of their debut full length via Repeater records last year since the original pressing on Level Plane which has been unavailable for over a decade.

City of Caterpillar’s groundbreaking full length LP got released 14 years ago following up a various releases like a split 7" with Page99, a ltd demo / live LP on ADAGIO830 in 2002 and various other things..

They have been one of the first bands to successfully merge post-rock and hardcore together, with complex and intense build-ups that led into bursts of rage and chaos, City Of Caterpillar’s short lived existence from 2000 – 2003 has had a major influence on the hardcore/punk scenes since the original release of this LP back in 2002. They were able to capture the dynamic sounds of Godspeed! You Black Emperor with bands like Portraits of Past and Pg. 99. City of Caterpillar shared members with Pg. 99 and members went onto bands such as Iron Reagan, Darkest Hour, Highness, Malady, Haram and Ghastly City Sleep.

Eintritt: 8.00 €

| Open: 20:00 | Start: 21:00
Große Elbstraße 84 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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