Dpi-prä.Sutura (Toxicator\Syndicat\Mayday)Miss Schredderella ,

Fr. 21. April 2017, 23:00 Uhr


Line Up ____

SUTURA -- ( Toxicator / Syndicate / Nature One / Mayday )

Miss Schredderella -- ( Technorebellen / Nuklear Area / Frankfurt Underground )

Muchacho -- ( Dstrct X, Gotec Club )

Datapimp -- ( Focus On / Gotec Club )

Artists infos


Sutura! Burhan Kurtcu is a german guy with turkish roots, born in Heilbronn, is also known as SUTURA. As he was 10 years old he was already fascinated by electronic music. _The scene in this time was dominated by Electro and Breakbeat. 1995 he saw Miss Djax in a club called "alte Giesserei" and he was infected by Techno music!! Through his passion tor the music and a friend he started deejaying himself. First time standing behind the decks, he felt the magic of the crowd and gave him energy for the future! Half of his money earned by playing, was invested in vinyls. 2000 he was booked at the legendary "Titty Twister"... and after this performance he played numerous times in several clubs in Heilbronn. He fascinated the crowd and the crowd fascinated him! So a real Fanbase came up! Through his friend "Liquid I" he started to digitalize his arrangements. Soon his first record was released on "Notsignal" in 2004; played by several big names of the scene! Next step was done by sending many many Demo Cds to the record labels. 2006 Dj Rush heard his tracks and decided to release them on the popular label Kne'Deep records! This was the beginning of a new era! Now you can find his productions in sets of Pet Duo, Sven Wittekind, Robert Natus, Dj Bold, Kaoz, Marco Remus and many more. Since 2007 you can find SUTURA on the most popular compilations in the whole world, like Dj Rush & Felix Kröcher - U60311 Vol6! Now he played all over germany! 2008 he firstly was booked in other countries, for example in Vienna in Austria! Everyone liked him and his music and so he got more and more gigs... Then it happened, Dj Superstar Sven Wittekind asked him to produce a record for his label "Inflicted"!! It was called "Arabian nights"! Then Sutura performed atSven Wittekinds birthday party and smashed the crowd! After this weekend ABSTRACT head Sven Schaller decided to pick him up into his agency! Releases like Abstract016 and Toolterror013 followed and the succes was massive! so be prepared for a high quality Techno act at its best!His Journey didn ́t stop and Sutura takes on full Speed and he played the biggest Festivals like Nature One, Mayday, Syndicat, Toxicator, Ruhr in Love, Soundtropolis and and and.....The list can be continued nearly endless where Sutura played with his original Style in Germany and Europe. He is also a very hardworking Producer and his musical Output is outstanding. His Colleagues gave him the Nickname "the producing Maschine".....Since yet,
he has released 7 LP ́s and countless EP ́s and at the moment he is working on Album Nr. 8Additionally, there are also Anthems for the Syndicate & USB and Mixes for the Syndicate Compilation. Many from his Tracks can you hear on the Aftermovies from the biggest Festivals like Toxicator or Syndicate Sutura knows his Fans very well and so he decided last year to pay back their Loyality and give over 70 Tracks for free on Soundcloud.His latest Album "Alphawolf" was sold out very fast and the Feedback for this Album from the Fans and Colleagues was amazing.Many of his Fans call him also "Master" which means "Master of Hardtechno" and when you see him perform you will understand why! With his works on the 8th Album he will break a Record and no Hardtechno Producer worldwide has released so many Albums than Sutura...but his Hardtechno Mission is not finished yet! Hardtechno Producer and DJ/Live Act.

http://soundcloud.com/suturamusic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Miss Schredderella!!!

Miss Schreddarella, mit bürgerlichem Namen Judith Hotz beeindruckt mit ihrer temperamentvollen Art hinter den Decks. Erstaunlich ist ihr ausgeprägtes Gefühl für Takt, Rythmus und Melodien.
Man merkt in jedem ihrer Sets: sie liebt und lebt Techno - dass sie zum Auflegen kam, war die logische Konsequenz daraus.
Aktuell ist sie Resident Djane bei Technorebellen, Frankfurt Underground und Nuklear Area.

Miss Schredderrella:„Im Alter von 20 Jahren, merkte ich schnell, dass Techno etwas Wichtiges für mich sein wird. Ich fand darin Erfüllung. Die Musik gab mir im Alltag immer Kraft und Energie. Mein Herz wurde erfüllt von Musik, von Beats und Drums – von Momenten die einem nur die Musik geben kann!“
Und nach Jahren intensiven Hörens dieser Musik, merkte sie, dass ihr das Hören nicht genug war, sie wollte selbst ein Teil davon werden - also musste ein Controller her!
„Beim Mixen geht es darum, das Gefühl zu vermitteln, welches Techno bei den Ravern und anderen Liebenden auslöst... ein Gefühl der Freiheit, ein unbeschreiblich gutes und warmes Gefühl, das Gefühl, welches in der Luft liegt, das man greifen kann, es geht durch die Klamotten hindurch, durch die Haut - direkt ins Herz hinein.“

Start: 23 Uhr

Gotec Club +
Gablonzer Str. 11
76185 Karlsruhe

Gotec Kulturhaus
Gablonzerstr. 11 - 76185 Karlsruhe - DE
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