
Fr. 17. Februar 2017, 23:00 Uhr


<<<<<<<<<❀❀❀ BLYTENSTAUB ❀❀❀ >>>>>>>>>


Auf gehts in die zweite Nachtsalon Runde. :D
Wir rollen erneut unseren Blytenteppich aus und empfangen damit dieses Mal hochkarätige Artists aus Berlin und Frankfurt. Unsere gestandenen Beatakrobaten breiten ihre Klänge vor euren Füßen aus, bereit zu feinem Staub zertanzt zu werden. Wir stellen euch florales Ambiente, ihr stellt die feier-wütige Fauna. Euch erwarten treibende Beats und eine gewohnt bunte Deko die es auch erlaubt falsche Blumen gedeihen zu lassen. Also kommt vorbei und lasst euch von unserem berauschenden Blytenstaub berieseln.

Allergikerinfo: Techpartikel und Housestaub !!!

Line up:


❀Miro Pajic❀
// Item & Things / Berlin //

❀Matt Star❀
// Houseworx, Repeat Music / FFM //

❀Bee Lincoln❀
// As Usual, Tonkind / Berlin //

❀Oliver Chlass❀
// Lebensfreude Records / Berlin //



❀Miro Pajic❀

❀Matt Star❀

❀Bee Lincoln❀

❀Oliver Chlass❀


❀Miro Pajic❀

Growing up in Frankfurt, Miro Pajic has been influenced by Techno House music since 1991 via the legendary club Omen and it's master, Sven Vaeth. Starting from 1993 he got sucked into the universe of Planet Core Productions, which were one of Frankfurt's early adopters and creative heads of Techno and makers of the famous "Frankfurt Trax" Series. After many productive and successful years with dozens of vinyl releases with PCP during the nineties, Miro realized that the whole thing went a certain direction and he slipped away from what he once loved so much: House and Techno music. 2000 wasn’t only the millenium but also the beginning of his new era. While being influenced by Techno more than ever again, Miro started returning to what he started with and began experimenting, finding himself and working on new music whilst he contemporary settled down in Berlin by late 2006 to start all over from zero. Miro's creative sci-fi sound architecture shines in a variety of interpretations, living between romantic weirdness, abstract musicality and sexy rhythm mathematics that may remind of a Stanley Kubrick version of modern dance music whilst retaining functionality. His mostly dense assemblies enrapture the listener, who will be confronted with episodic surreal surprises. Miro’s deepest passion for detail and character transform his work into brave and visionary audio adventures which can be heard regularly on his label Lazerslut and has been unveiled on labels such as Harthouse, TicTacToe Rec., LTD.400, ToraToraTora and Items & Things. He’s also been remixing a variety of artists such as Pig & Dan, Tony Rohr, Skoozbot, Deepgroove, The Horrorist and Marc Houle. Confident about what he's doing in todays flooded world of electronic music, Miro constantly communicates through his non-stereotype productions which have been giving him a reputation of a one-of-a-kind artist. This is proven regularily in his live gigs, which often transform into a journey that let him stand out. He has been supported and played by numerous big players of the underground dance music scene and thus continues to do what he does best!

❀Matt Star❀

Matthias Schildger aka Matt Star wurde 1987 in Offenbach am Main geboren. Bereits im zarten Alter von 8 Jahren kam er mit elektronischer Musik in Berührung als er im Radio eine Übertragung eines großen Technoevents verfolgte. Von da an packte ihn eine Faszination und Leidenschaft für diese Musik die ihn nicht mehr loslassen sollte. Seit 1999 ist er aktiv dabei und legt auf den unterschiedlichsten Partys auf – damals natürlich eher privat und illegal. Mit 17 kamen dann die ersten Clubauftritte bei denen er seinen Sound verbreiten konnte, worauf eine Residency im MTW Offenbach bei den „Element“-Partys folgte. Heute steht er landauf, landab auf zahlreichen international hochkarätigen Partys an den Plattentellern. Seit 2009 veranstaltet mit seinem Bruder(Locke) und Freunden die monatliche Partyreihe „Monchichi“ @ MTW Seine ersten musikalischen (Selbst-) Versuche machte er damals übrigens mit der Playstation. Während seine Kumpels Super Mario und Pacman zockten, versuchte er dem Gerät abgefahrene Klangerzeugnisse zu entlocken – und das sogar mit einigem Erfolg. Den Durchbruch als Produzent schaffte er mit seinem ersten Album „Art Of M“ auf Weave Music, von welchem Auskopplungen wie „Balztanz der Schwinugungen“ mehrfach geremixt wurden und von nahezu von allen bekannten DJs dieses Genres Zuspruch erlangten. Renommierte Labels wie International Freakshow, Opossum Rec oder Momentum bedienten sich seiner Künste. Selbst Cocoon Records packte „Am I Dreaming“ auf die Cocoon Compilation H und lud ihn zu Gigs im Amnesia Ibiza ein. Ende 2008 tobte „Kühle Fliege“ geremixt von Hugo über die Tanzflächen und erlangte Hit-Status! Mittlerweile ist er gefragter Remixer und produziert auch Tracks für befreundete Künstler.

Mit seinem Bruder führt er das Label Main Records sowie den gleichnamigen Plattenladen in Offenbach, woraus sein eigenes Labelprojekt „Mainakustik“ und „Wirr Warr“ resultierte. Matt Star ist DJ und Live-Act zugleich, außerdem hat er noch zahlreiche andere Projekte wie „Dreist“ mit seinem Bruder Locke sowie Berovic & Leicher, „Automatt“, „Starbug“ und „Yam Yam“ am Start.
Seinen Musikstil bezeichnet Matt selbst wie folgt: „Everything I like“ oder „MicroPhunk“. Da kommt dann von Ambient und TripHop- Sachen bis hin zu House und Techno der härtern Gangart alles auf die Teller was gefällt – je nach Stimmung eben. Im Club geht er dann meistens aber doch ganz strikt und zielstrebig vor: tanzbar muss es sein!

❀Bee Lincoln❀

With a scientific approach and an artistic perspective, electronic music has become a mission in Bee Lincoln’s life. Mainly he feels like an ambassador of this subculture, which expresses in being a passionate DJ, producer, event manager, writer and thinker. Energetic, positive and open-minded he presents the way of his love to the music. DJ-ing since 16 years, he is nowadays based in Berlin and spreads his joy to the scene in several ways.
Besides playing regularly in many of the citys underground clubs like Golden Gate, Kosmonaut, Ritter Butzke or Chalet Club, he is always up to present big-named and fresh artists to the people. After organizing the weekly Thursday slot at +4bar/Tresor Club called Foreplay” for more than 2 years, he went through various event cooperations in different venues. Since 2013 he is settled at Crack Bellmer every Thursday with his event „as usual.“ and also co-hosts the monthly Hummmpday event with international bookings at the infamous Wilde Renate Club.
Moreover he played gigs at national open-air festivals like Fusion-Festival and in European cities like London, Moscow, Vienna, Zürich or Stockholm. Further he is a much-respected guest in Asian countries like Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. Especially his release “Gamma Ray Burst EP” on Luos Recordings, made him a secret weapon in Japans most renowned clubs during his last tour in 2014.
Always with a smile on his face, he catches the crowds in his sets by soaking up the peoples feeling and bringing them subconsciously on a trip. Don’t try to define his style, it probably won’t be easy. Some people see him as a rider of contemporary deeptech sounds with big pail of groove and tightly reduced sounds, but each set is unique and finally somewhere in the space between house and techno, as he is an addicted digger and loves to play enchanting sundowners, as well as kick-your-ass-sets.
After earlier releases/remixes on labels like Neverending Rec. and Heatflow Rec., 2015 had been an intense studio year and lead him to reach another level by understanding the matter of music production particularly for the groovin’floors. Besides doing Remixes for the Swiss vinyl-only label Questo?! Music, to which he is deeply connected, he started new collaborations with producers like Miro Pajic and Jacob Phono for various projects and contributes on labels like Tonkind Rec., Klangwild Rec., Schallbox Rec. or Zoned-Recordings. On Transit Records Kyoto he is signed for „Transition EP“ together with his japanese friend Ryoma Sasaki, which is released on vinyl in September 2016. Finally his own imprint „as“ is ready to kick-off and unites the long-standing experiences of clubbing, playing and diggin’ music for years, as well as his far-reaching networks.

❀Oliver Chlass ❀

Oliver Chlass, born 1982 in Berlin, didn’t aim for electronic music from the very beginning. Aged 14, he started out as a Hip Hop DJ and only later became interested in other kinds of music at the age of 17.
In 2007 Mathias Liefeldt and Oliver Chlass formed the DJ-project Liefeldt & Chlass that soon became an established act in Berlin. It particularly took off, when they started their residency at legendary Sunday after hours @ „Salon zur Wilden Renate“.
From then on they were to be a constant part of the Berlin clubbing scene, playing gigs at Arena Club, Bar25, Ritter Butzke. and many other well-known clubs.
In 2013 both of them started to create their respective solo projects. It simply felt like the next logicla step for Oliver, and he is now an accomplished solo entertainer who plays a minimal and deep mixture of different styles along the lines of House and Techno.
As a Dj he has played at most of Berlin’s typical locations from „A“ like About Blank to „Z“ like ZMF. He is very much known and liked by its club scene.




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