HOME pres.: STEYOYOKE (Berlin) Label Night / SOUL BUTTON & MPathy + der Ausstellung „mit“ & von AZULDECOBALT @ Kowalski

Fr. 06. Februar 2015, 23:00 Uhr


▼▲▼HOME pres.: STEYOYOKE (Berlin) Label Night / SOUL BUTTON & MPathy + der Ausstellung „mit“ & von AZULDECOBALT

(Wer die Ausstellung ganz entspannt in Ruhe anschauen möchte kann das am 5.2. schon tun. Infos darüber kommen bald)

...don ́t forget to go
Es passiert nicht oft das man auf Künstler und aufstrebende Plattenlabels stößt deren Produktionen einen so unverwechselbaren Sound mit sich bringen wie der des Berliner Labels Steyoyoke.
Eine weitere Besonderheit, die surrealen Figuren und Welten des Illustrators Azuldecobalt, die jedes Plattencover zu einem einzigartigen Kunstwerk machen.
Das er mit seiner Ausstellung uns im Kowalski auf der HOME besucht ist eine Besonderheit welche ihr nicht verpassen solltet.
Mit im Gepäck wohl zwei der wichtigsten Köpfe innerhalb der Steyoyoke Familie, SOUL BUTTON & MPathy !
...also liebe HOMEis...don ́t forget to go HOME





Beginn: 23:00 Uhr Ende: 06:00 Uhr

▼ SOUL BUTTON (Steyoyoke/Berlin)

http://www.steyoyoke.com/ https://soundcloud.com/steyoyoke/soul-button-live-at-

▼ MPathy (Steyoyoke/Berlin)

http://www.steyoyoke.com/ https://soundcloud.com/steyoyoke/mpathy-live-at-kosmonaut

Ausstellung „mit“ und von :

(Illustrator & Video Artist / Carbon Blue Collective / Berlin)


▲▼SOUL BUTTON (Steyoyoke/Berlin)▲▼

"Each unbuttoned button is a disclosed secret, a higher level of conscious intimacy.
Each fastened button is a hard barrier,
an insurmountable obstacle.
According to that, the button becomes a symbol of communication."
Since giving birth to Steyoyoke a little over 2 years ago, Soul Button has spent a lot of quality time breathing life into this label. As the heart and soul of Steyoyoke, his producing skills make him a pioneer and an innovator of sound. He is consistently exploring new ideas and expanding his own personal projects. As an artist in todays industry it’s safe to say that both his music and persona, go totally against the grain.
Free from conformity, expectation or image limitations, he is empowered by his unique ability to remain anonymous. Wanting people to connect to the music instead of a face has earned him great support, loyal followers and admiration from other like minded artists.
Keeping the fans close to his heart and constantly recognising their importance to him, is another attribute that adds to the strong relationship he has with his followers. His music is real, honest and genuine and often it’s the love he has for his supporters, that helps feed his creative inspiration.
He has a unique production style that carries a signature quality to it, which enhances his sound and keeps him pushing boundaries. Soul Button’s musical groove ranges from melodic deep house with rolling soundscapes, to smooth percussive beats and chunky tech house.
Having achieved success with many releases to date, it’s no surprise to see Soul Button’s international exposure sky rocket and his budding career develop into many positive directions.
‘Shadows’ was his first EP for Steyoyoke back in 2012, ‘In My Stride’ is definitely worth a mention as it still receives a great amount of attention, ‘Play Again’ was another massive EP and more recently, ‘Swift Minds’, which has gained recognition from many high profile artists. ‘Inner Symphony’ is his latest personal project and next up is the ‘Chasing Thoughts’ EP with Talul.
With his sights set well into the future, Soul Button is also working hard on his live set preparations, which shall make a debut appearance at the next big festival. 2014 is shaping up to be next level.

▲▼MPathy (Steyoyoke/Berlin)▲▼

“We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.”
MPathy, formerly known as I'm Fine, has developed a strong interest for electronic music when he was still very young. Growing up in the city of Berlin he was highly influenced by the electronic music scene in the 90’s. He spent a couple of years in Chicago and Shanghai where he got involved with the local electronic music scene, which ultimately shaped his outlook on electronic music today.
With Techno music and DJing being his greatest passion for a long time he started to work on his own productions in 2008. Since then he has produced Techno, Tech-House and Minimal music for various record labels worldwide.
In 2012 he joined the Berlin based Deep House Label Steyoyoke. He is responsible for the most successful Steyoyoke release in collaboration with Antonio Olivieri, ‘If I Were Music’. The most original sound on Steyoyoke
comes fully endorsed by DJ W!ld, Larsson, Dyed Soundorom, Aki Bergen and ONNO.
Proceeding with his new name he has done remixes for Soul Button, Florian Rietze and Sasch.
In the summer of 2013 MPathy makes his solo voice heard for the first time with an established and rousing first EP ‘I’m Yours’ for Steyoyoke, a collaboration with the seductive vocals of the highly talented singer and songwriter Amy Capilari.
With so much more to come from this young artist, ‘Iʼm Yours’ is testament to the philosophy that drives MPathy forward. MPathy is eager to push off in his own direction to continue to challenge and provoke existing concepts of making unique and forward thinking music.

▲▼P-Hase (HOME/ FtwR)▲▼

Wer die Sets von P-Hase kennt, der weiss, dass er sich musikalisch nicht in eine Schublade stecken lässt, jedoch hinter seinem Aufbau Köpfchen und viel Herz steckt. Sein Sound bewegt sich irgendwo zwischen deeper Melancholie und euphorischen Flächen.
Wie der Name schon verrät: „P-Hase“ ist er ein Mitglied des Kunst- und Kulturvereins "Follow The White Rabbit" aus Stuttgart. P-Hase steckt aber noch hinter ganz anderen und eigenen Projekten. Regelmäßig residierte er im 33, der Romy S. und nun im Kowalski. Er ist Veranstalter der monatlichen Reihe HOME, mit einem bunten Programm aus localen Acts und internationalen Größen.
Inzwischen ist P-Hase auch überregional in Mecklenburg Vorpommern unterwegs und im Sommer auf verschiedenen Festivals vertreten. https://soundcloud.com/phase

▲▼Moritz Schlayer (HOME/Milchbar)▲▼

Mit 17 Jahren begann Moritz Schlayer im kleinen Kämmerlein mit dem DJing. Als passionierter Liebhaber elektronischer Musik, verbrachte er den größten Teil seiner Freizeit als Partygänger und ganz vorne am DJ-Pult.

Als 2010 die Milchbar in Kirchheim unter Teck ihre Tore öffnete, war er von der ersten Minute an mit dabei und bei sämtlichen Elektro-Events stets an vorderster Front. Egal ob vor oder hinter der Bar, als festes Mitglied des Milchbar Teams ist Moritz überall mit dabei, doch hauptsächlich findet man ihn hinter dem DJ-Pult. Mit lokalen Größen wie Common Sense People ,Cris Sonaxx, Pablo Suave,Jan Blumingdale und vielen anderen, rockte Moritz ein ums andere Mal die Tanzfläche der Milchbar, die mit schöner Regelmäßigkeit auseinander zu brechen drohte.
Inzwischen konnten Moritz gemeinsam mit seinen Kollegen eine ernst zu nehmende Elektro-Partyreihe im vorher noch jungfräulichen Kircheim etablieren.
Sein Sound wird von vielen unterschiedlichen Facetten der elektronischen Musik bestimmt. So erhält er eine kontinuierliche Grundspannung die an perfekt gesetzten Punkten aufgeht und ein wahres Feuerwerk der Emotionen auslöst.


Deep House label Steyoyoke has turned the heads of many since its launch and with a talented calibre of artists to boast its no surprise that the label finds itself as one of the up and coming record labels of the industry. The talented team of dj’s and producers have seen recognition from some of the industry’s biggest heavyweights and much to credit to the labels high end production skills.
The label consists of a passionate and like-minded group of individuals who aim to mix only the very best of music and art together. Steyoyoke is a label that holds the rare power of being able to combine unique art and music whilst not swamping the other. The work of Azuldecobalt has become synonymous with the label and with no surprise in light of his eccentrically beautiful work.

The labels love for vinyl has featured this talented artist’s eye catching creations since its launch.
Steyoyoke strives to discover only the bravest artists, with forward- thinking underground music that push the boundaries of an otherwise shallow industry. The mission is to create a nurtured music experience that really understands the heart and soul of good music. An evening spent amid Steyoyoke’s finest is unlike many other and screams ripe to who have a true appreciation of deep house.
The label has taken the necessary steps in its efforts to keep meeting the high expectations of both, the press and the fans. A well rounded promotion of the label has been merited to the unique and innovative work of the labels artists and has put the label in a stronghold for things to come. Steyoyoke’s recognition within the industry and a following of dedicated true fans is testimony to the label’s bright future.

Club Kowalski
Kriegsbergstr. 25 - 70173 Stuttgart - DE
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