Final Prayer - Zero Mentality

Fr. 10. Oktober 2014, 20:00 Uhr


Final Prayer - Zero Mentality
10. Oktober 2014
Factory, Magdeburg (Buckau)
(Zugang erfolgt nur noch über Schönebecker Straße/ Sandbreite)
Einlass: ab 20.00 Uhr
NUR AK: 10 €

Final Prayer Alright folks, where to begin? Final Prayer certainly ain't newbies anymore within Europe's blooming Hardcore and Metal underground scenes. Through various tours and various releases Final Prayer have brought their very own brand of heavy hardcore to loads of cities in Europe, spanning from Portugal to Latvia and basically everything in between. With the band now being around for ten years, it only makes sense to have this biography start at the very beginning! After starting to jam in 2004, with the vision to combine the spirit of the 80's and 90's Hardcore/ Punk movement with the smacking sound of today, a couple of songs were recorded in a practice room and put out as a limited demo tape. The demo sold out in no time and was even rated “demo
of the month” in Germanys´ leading magazine for Rock and Metal music, “Rock Hard”. After a split CD with their buddies Crisis Never Ends, Final Prayer's first album entitled “Right Here, Right Now” followed in January 2006. The album received raging reviews in many leading heavy metal and hardcore magazines. In support of “Right here, right now” the band played various tours and weekend shows together with bands such as Hatebreed, Sick of it all, Comeback Kid or Terror. Literally the band was playing everywhere – from dirty basements to fancy concert halls. Either way the bands´ approach towards their live performances has always stayed the same: 200% Hardcore energy, no matter what…! In 2008, after releasing a split 7” with San Francisco-based HC Band Alcatraz, Final Prayer's second full length album “Filling The Void” saw the light of day. Recorded at Berlins´ “Daily Hero Recording” studios, mastered by New York's very own Alan Douches (West West Side Music) and released on GSR Music, the 11 songs again received raging reviews and saw the band touring nearly all parts of Europe in support of the release. Followed by a three-song EP in 2011 called “Berlin”, which also contained a cover of famous Neue Deutsche Welle band “Ideal”, supported by Nico Wfahm and Bernd Kurtzke of the glorious Beatsteaks, Final Prayer felt confident enough to go into the Daily Hero Studios again, to deliver their very own brand of energetic HC to their ever-growing circle of supporters. With the help of our long-time friend Dennis Sommer (Ex Black Friday '29) who got into the band, replacing founding member Felix Heiduk on bass-guitar, the result was tremendous. Final Prayer mixed all the influences of the band and created 10 iconic Songs with a enormous variety of style. Catchy melodies alternate with driving verses, heavy breakdowns and epic sing-alongs. After a cracking release show on May 25th 2012 in Kreuzberg “I Am Not Afraid” saw the light of day and earned amazing reviews in all relevant media. The CD version was released by Final Prayers old friends, Let It Burn Records, the digital download via Acuity Music and the vinyl version by Cobra Records. The release was followed by intensive touring throughout whole Europe again. DIY tours with friendly bands like Empowerment alternated with professional tours like the “Rebellion Tour” with
NY-Hardcore legends Madball, or the “Turn it around anniversary tour” with their old friends in Comeback Kid.
With Final Prayers 10 year anniversary ahead, the band hit the studio again and recorded some
new stuff for a special anniversary release at the end of the year. Beside the music, the release will
contain lots of specials and will give you a deep look into the history of the band.
Zero Mentality
Mit „X“ führen ZM weiter, was über Jahre zu ihrem Markenzeichen geworden ist: Sie paaren treibende Beats mit harten, eingängigen Riffs und teils melancholischen teils euphorisierenden Melodien. Dirigiert werden die Kompositionen von reudigem und mahnendem Gesang. Derart kreieren ZM ihren unverwechselbaren und mitreißenden eigenen Sound. Die drei neuen Lieder stellen eine perfekte Symbiose aller bisherigen Veröffentlichungen der Band dar, und werden von den Ersthörern als kompromisslose Kombination der typischen ZM Merkmale beschrieben. X ist die kompromisslose, gewaltbereite und groovende Verbindung zwischen in IN FEAR OF FOREVER und INVITE YOUR SOUL kombiniert mit dem Hoffnung-transportierenden Rock-Spirit von VIRTUES AND VICES und BLACK ROCK. Die Genregrenzen von Hardcore, Metal und Punk wurden selten so eindrucksvoll unaufgeregt eingerissen. Neben den neuen Stücken GEMINI, SERENETY NOW und BÜRGERLICHE KÄLTE, welche allesamt im November 2013 in dem von MAROON Frontman André Moraweck gegründeten NEKROWERK Studio produziert wurden, wird die digitale Version von X durch ein bislang unveröffentlichtes Stück Bandgeschichte abgereundet. FOR MYSELF ist der erste Song den ZM jemals geschrieben haben und wurde kurz nach Gründung der Gruppe im Jahr 2002 aufgenommen. Das aktuelle Lineup der Band formiert sich um das Bochumer Urgestein Ben Fink (ehemals DEATH OR GLORY) an den Vocals und besteht sowohl aus alten, wie auch aus noch älteren Gesichtern. An den Gitarren finden wir Thorsten Groborz (EL BRUJO'S GORECHESTRA) und Chris Göbbels (MISANTHROPE MONARCH). Den Bass malträtiert das musikalische Wunderkind Alan K. aus Brighton (Norbert Buchmacher). Zusätzlich hat sich die Gruppe mit Dennis Schmidt (ehemals BLACK FRIDAY 29) eine unverwundbare Kampf-Maschine hinter das Schlagzeug gesetzt, die prototypisch für das neue alte Selbstverständnis dieser untoten Untergrund Veteranen steht: ZM Never Die!
Karl-Schmidt-Str. 26-29 - 39104 Magdeburg - DE
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