La Troya @ Amnesia Ibiza

Mi. 25. Juni 2014, 00:00 Uhr


This year, La Troya comes back stronger than ever to open its 2014's season, in Amnesia, the Ibiza's temple of music and fun.

After a whole winter moving around the globe with its exclusive World Tour, La Troya comes back to the White Island for its 11th of June 2014's opening.

With his battery charged, Brasilio reinvents his mythical themes and creates new ones to seduce us with his charming "Troya's essence" .Freedom, happiness and innovation will be the keys for us to enjoy la Troya together.

Actually our show will start on the 5th of June with our super casting, a must in Ibiza, a date you cannot miss. Artists from all around the world will be giving their best to join our big Troya family.

Our resident DJs Oscar Colorado and Les Schmitz will continue to transmit us the true and authentic Troya’s sound. A sound that is contemporary and as always happy so we can dance all together the night away.

After 30 years of history La Troya is still the one and only real Ibiza's Party.

We all love La Troya, and la Troya loves you.

Carretera Ibiza a San Antonio - 07816 San Rafael - Ibiza - E
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