Fr. 25. März 2011, 22:00 Uhr


CAIPIRINHA FOR LADYS FREE 22 - 23:23 UHR 2000 she was voted number 6. of the most popular international DJs in Germany. Remaining in the top ten list has been a regularity ever since. In regards to the massive competition of the worlds DJs,and to be the only female dj in the top ten, it was an honour of her hard work in the last years. DJing has naturally led to various studio work and starting her own label Equator. Gayle has developed a sound that takes the intelligent beats of the underground, funky/hard/groove techno sound mixed with her very own style.Gayle loves producing on her own but also enjoys collaborations with other producers to absorb outside creativity

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Zeilbaumweg 11 - 74613 Öhringen - DE
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