

Über Karotte

Here today, gone tomor­row. A phrase truly befit­ting the mod­ern club scene. Because the dance hit of today can quickly become the long for­got­ten melody of yesterday.

The name of the artist of the moment is per­ma­nently blasted on the radio, shown TV and omnipresent in every musi­cally related mag­a­zine, in other words, sim­ply every­where. One starts to won­der: Where does this guy come from? How come I haven‘t heard of him before? And first and fore­most: Does he even know how to spin a record? All jus­ti­fied inquests, because this so called break­through artist must have some­what of a past, you might sup­pose. But these Johnny-come-lately fre­quently can‘t dif­fer­en­ti­ate a record from a pizza funghi and their DJ-sets are con­se­quently not really an eye– or ear-opener. The after­ef­fect: The crowd is dis­ap­pointed by the self-proclaimed ris­ing star. Expec­ta­tions and real­ity don‘t cor­re­spond one bit.

Then again there are DJs that started play­ing records way before they set foot in a stu­dio. Hand­i­crafts­men that build their entire career on their unique abil­ity to elec­trify an audi­ence with their skills behind the turnta­bles. This road is surely longer and harder, but at the same time guar­an­tees a life­long loyal fan base cen­tered around you.

Peter Cor­nely aka Karotte, born 1969 in Saar­brücken, is a prime exam­ple for such a phe­nom­e­non. Over the last two decades the Ger­man enter­tainer has worked him­self to the top. Not nec­es­sar­ily as a pro­ducer, but as a world­wide revered  DJ. Achiev­ing this dis­tin­guished posi­tion by purely giv­ing 100% each and every night at clubs all around the globe. His unpar­al­leled blend of elec­tronic music surely already sep­a­rates him from the rest of the field, but his abil­ity to moti­vate him­self to go to the absolute limit all the time, exem­pli­fies his stand­ing as a truly out­stand­ing DJ. His love for music can clearly be heard and seen, no other turntable-wizard lives his set the way Karotte does. His gigs are not just a bet­ter option for a wild night out in town, each set is spe­cial and an expe­ri­ence in itself. Res­i­den­cies at numer­ous dis­cos attest his one-of-a-kind sta­tus and value to the elec­tronic scene. U60311 Frank­furt, Stammheim Kas­sel, Harry Klein Munich and nowa­days Cocoon Club Frank­furt are just a few exam­ples of this illus­tri­ous list of top notch hot spots. If you would ask one the reg­u­lar guests of each and every nightery Mr. Cor­nely has graced through­out his career, which DJ hon­estly shaped the sound of club, the answer would prob­a­bly always be the same: Karotte. His open approach to all elec­tronic gen­res (Min­i­mal, Tech/House, Elec­tro, Break­beat…) have made him unpre­dictable and extremely influ­en­tial to many young musi­cians out there. But clubs are not the only place where the root veg­etable of all DJs can be heard. The radio-show “Karottes Kitchen” on Sun­shine Live is more than just your typ­i­cal “guy play­ing records all night long” show. Peter invites other befriended col­leagues on air and together they dis­cuss ground­break­ing issues such as birds, cars and the lat­est local gos­sip. His charm and per­son­al­ity are what make the pro­gram spe­cial and enter­tain­ing, it is not just about the music but also about the peo­ple who stop by for a short or some­times longer chit-chat.

Enough of the DJ Karotte, let us talk about the pro­ducer Karotte. Over the last few years the Cocoon res­i­dent has put the fin­ish­ing touches on his recent tracks. The renowned artist Gre­gor Tresher is his lat­est stu­dio part­ner. Together they have released “Tronic” and “Sto­ry­telling” on Great Stuff Records. Both num­bers get­ting mas­sive sup­port from inter­na­tion­ally acclaimed disc jock­eys: James Zabiela, Toni Rios, Paul Wool­ford, Mason, Monika Kruse, Dar­ren Emer­son...are all huge fans of their lat­est out­put. Peter‘s unequalled taste in music clearly reflects in his first Great Stuff 12inch. Eschew­ing from all con­tem­po­rary trends and styles, Karottte man­ages to fill the void between Tech/House, Trance and Acid. But being the worka­holic that he is, the long haired mix-master already has the next killer LP up his sleeve. Con­cur­rently to the enor­mous May­day this year (of course he is on the bill!), Mr.Cornely is about to unleash his new record. Later in the sum­mer we can even expect a CD mix-series, which will reflect his tem­po­rary taste in music.

Here today, here tomor­row, a phrase which per­fectly mir­rors Karotte‘s past, present and future. Event if Peter Cor­nely should land a num­ber one hit in the dance charts, you would still have to admit that he is a bet­ter DJ than the rest of the pack. The prior expec­ta­tions are sur­passed and real­ity slowly sinks in: Damn, this guy is good!

Source: http://www.familyaffairs.de/artists/karotte/ - https://www.facebook.com/karotte.dj?sk=wall