Hard Action (HardRock, Helsinki)

Thu. 24. May 2018, 20:00 Ora


Hard Action's debut album 'Sinister Vibes' (2015) was an unexpected success with is buzzsaw-guitar caveman brand of action rock, taking the band to several tours across Europe. The second album 'Hot Wired Beat' was released on Svart Records on December 1st.

The Hard Action of today is slightly older, more street-smart, tighter bunch of hairy youngsters. 'Hot Wired Beat' boils with the hot blood of youth but its better musicianship and production values give room for certain more traditional aspects of rock music such as melody and hooks.

Tradition is the key here in other respects too; at times the record channels the spirit of the early 70's Rolling Stones, at others it sounds not unlike something Hanoi Rocks could've recorded early on.

On 'Hot Wired Beat' Hard Action succeed in being both youthfully reckless and smooth, like scenes of violent street fights set to classic Fleetwood Mac albums.



Eintritt: AK: 14.00 € | VVK: 11.00 € | Open: 20:00 | Start: 21:00
Große Elbstraße 84 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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