James Holden & the Animal Spirits (live) • Köln • CBE

Wed. 04. April 2018, 20:00 Ora


präsentiert von liebemachen & dem CBE

► 04.04. || 20 Uhr || Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld, Köln

Tickets gibt es ab 16 Uhr bei allen bekannten VVK-Stellen,
wie z.B. KölnTicket oder Eventim

Even though the word 'high-flyer' is entirely applicable (Thom Yorke took him along with Atoms For Peace on tour through the US and Holden has worked on remixes for Mogwai, Depeche Mode and Radiohead), we’re short-changing Holden with the term 'electronica'. It was namely jazz icons like Don Cherry and Pharoah Sanders who inspired his search to assemble an ensemble that would be the equivalent of ‘a spiritual jazz band playing folk/trance music’. He renamed this ensemble – which includes drummer Tom Page (RocketNumberNine) – Animal Spirits. Holden considers them to be his fellow travellers.
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