FRET (Mick Harris) A\V_ ZwischenWelten #1Year

Fri. 16. February 2018, 23:59 Ora


It's already one year of ZwischenWelten, for which we'd like to thank everyone who's been involved artistically and of course the wonderful crowd who have supported us too. The time to properly celebrate ZischenWelten's anniversary has come.
On this occasion, we are glad to have several artists coming from different Berlin realities, next to a guest who's a legend for the Music Scene and has especially been influential to us and inspired our music. We are honoured to host Mick Harris - already know as Scorn, Monrella and who was a member of Napalm Death - he will this time perform as Fret alongside a visual performance by Stormfield.
We are looking forward to have you at Arena Club and more details are of course coming soon...In the meanwhile, have a nice NYE you all and see you in 2018 with lots of news!
Eichenstrasse 4 - 12435 Berlin - DE
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