Cannibal Corpse // With Special Guests

Fri. 16. February 2018, 19:00 Ora


Many words come to mind when you hear the name CANNIBAL CORPSE, but one truly defines the soon-to-be thirty-year death metal veterans: Unstoppable. Produced by Erik Rutan (Hate Eternal, Goatwhore), Red Before Black serves to not only reiterate this but to once more raise the stakes, making it very clear who sets the standard when it comes to always compelling music that is equally brutal and complex. Moreover, the band have pushed themselves again, ensuring that it stands out from their catalog.

With Special Guests: The Black Dahlia Murder & No Return

VVK-Start: Fr, 22. September, 11:00

Weitere Infos und Tickets unter:
Große Freiheit 58 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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