Queer Squad: MR TC & Judith Crasser & Houschyar

Thu. 25. January 2018, 23:00 Ora


3-facher Besuch von nah und fern beim Queer Squad im Januar.
MR TC (Glasgow), Judith Crasser (Leipzig), und Houschyar (Prag) bringen uns ein Special-Sonder-Set:

"Sunday around midnight at Camp Cosmic 2017.
Without knowing eachother personally before, the artists Judith Crasser, MR TC and Houschyar randomly found themselves together behind the turntables of the secret cellar floor in the very last session of the festival. This fluke led to an effortless 6 hour back to back mixture of complemented styles, which didnt end until all A and B sides had been played and all the dancers were toppeled over.
We decided to recreate this coming together with a tour across 7 dates in east/south Germany. Catch us somewhere on the DJ-wellness tour."

MR TC: https://soundcloud.com/mr_tc_glasgow
Judith Crasser: https://soundcloud.com/judithcrasser
Houschyar: https://soundcloud.com/houschyar

Beginn: 23:00
Eintritt vor 0:00 Uhr: 5€
nach 0:00: 10€

Queer Squad ist die Veranstaltungsreihe für ein offenes, tolerantes Publikum, die mit heteronormativen und musikalischen Grenzen und Klischees brechen will.

All genders are welcome!
Rote Sonne
Maximiliansplatz 5 - 80333 München - DE
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