Deeptuesday w/ Angioma & Uriel Cuebass

Tue. 02. January 2018, 23:59 Ora


Deeptuesday presents Angioma & Uriel CueBass next Tuesday 2nd January at City Hall - Barcelona

- Deeptuesday brings the house music crafted for the smaller and mid-sized rooms - deeper tracks full silky, smooth grooves

EN: Write your name + guests (ex: Mike + 2) to sign up to the discount list until 01:30h (Facebook guest list) Girls free until 01:30h

ES: Comenta con tu nombre + inivitados (ej: Jose + 2) para estar en la lista de descuento con copa hasta las 01:30h (Lista Facebook) / Chicas gratis hasta las 01:30h



Uriel CueBass
City Hall
Rambla de Catalunya, 2-4 - 08007 Barcelona - E
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