Rhythm Alchemy

Sat. 16. December 2017, 21:00 Ora


We are looking forward to welcoming the first appearance of Bernd Friedmann together with Don’t DJ as their RHYTHM ALCHEMY project on December 16th at Arena Club. The latter has been praised for his "smooth eclecticism", and together they utilize their sound to break the cultural boundaries of reality.

Beginning at 21:00 hr/entrance fee: € 12.00.-

Burnt Friedman has developed into one of the most established and respected artists in electronic music after his liberal arts studies in Kassel over the past decades. He has worked in both Dub and Jazz as well as collaborated with well-known musicians such as Mark Ernestus, Root70, Hayden Chisholm and the late CAN drummer Jaki Liebezeit.

Burnt Friedmann founded his own label NONPLACE in 2010 with 36 releases to date. During his performance at Arena Club, he will present, among other things, the title of his brand new ANTHOLOGY-CD, which will be released on the same weekend.

RA: https://www.residentadvisor.net/events/1019197
Eichenstrasse 4 - 12435 Berlin - DE
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