
Sat. 21. October 2017, 00:00 Ora
Sun. 22. October 2017, 05:00 Ora


The history of music in Barcelona is written with the letters from the Razzmatazz club, which is without a doubt a flagship of culture and leisure scene on the national and international scale. Located in a unique building amidst the industrial landscape of the city and a façade that is in itself an icon of the city, the club has celebrated its 13th anniversary. All sorts of artists have stepped into the Razzmatazz stage, big names and newcomers, since we also house small acts that have a common denominator: their high quality. The club mixes its own schedule with that of different national and international promoters and culture agitators to raise the level of the club acts to that of international stages. Five clubs where theres been all sorts of parties, fashion shows, galas and locations for cinema and advertising. A multi-space thats transformed depending on the needs of each event and each moment.


Sala Razzmatazz
Carrer de Pamplona, 88 - 08018 Barcelona - E
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