Master Guitar Tour 2017- Thomas Zwijsen & BEN WOODS

Thu. 19. October 2017, 20:30 Ora


Thomas Zwijsen (NL) and Ben Woods (USA) are teaming up in 2017 for their Master Guitar Tour. Together these world-class acoustic guitar virtuoso's have over 20.000.000 views on YouTube. They will be playing new acoustic arrangements of famous Rock and Metal songs by bands like Iron Maiden, Metallica, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath and more, as well as their own virtuoso compositions. The Master Guitar Tour will be rolling into a town near you soon, check this website and our FB page to keep updated with news about bookings, appearances and other cool stuff.
VVK: 18€
AK: 20€

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Hadikgasse 62 - 1140 Wien - AT
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