Martin Matiske presents Your Time EP

Thu. 21. September 2017, 21:00 Ora


Doors 21:00, Beginn 22:00
Eintritt 8€

Martin Matiske presents Your Time EP
(Gigolo Records / Vivod /Munich)

Munich Again is proud to present the latest release of the youngest-oldest DJ of Munich! All through September, will Martin Matiske play across town to promote the release, but we are proud to say we reserve some surprises for the Rote Sonne night. Who knows, maybe we will be graced with live music too, not just his stunningly intricate mixing skills of electronic music, old and new!

Munich's Martin Matiske started his recording career at the age of fifteen with his stunning ep Stars & Galaxy for DJ Hell's Gigolo Records back in 2002. Here he dons 4 fresh tracks for the Vivod label with his trademark electro sound, somewhere between Dopplereffekt, classical & wave. Kicking off the ep is Die Nibelungen, a sort of speak & spell classical piece with an electro backing track. A2 - Bayerischer Wald is a chord heavy majestic bomb in a 5/4 time signature, maybe a stretch too far for the linear techno dj but that's what makes this ep so interesting. B2 - Virtuosic Mechanic harks back to his previous work on Gigolo Records, a more club orientated track which should do some effective damage on the floor. Rounding things off is Kammermusik, a subtle electro ballad. If you like your electro with a heavy classical influence then this is your EP.
Rote Sonne
Maximiliansplatz 5 - 80333 München - DE
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