
Sat. 09. September 2017, 21:00 Ora




Occupy White Noise! We're taking over WHITE and NOISE for a special fiesta of ritual digital: Two rooms, two stages, two mighty LIVE-ACTS from berlin and cologne, a megalomaniac bunch of DJs, spacey visuals - _INDOOR:OPEN is the new club-amusement of the ritual digital collective at White Noise.


_Krink | LIVE
[URSL | Berlin]

_Ameli Paul | LIVE
[Underyourskin Records | Stuttgart | Cologne]

[Underyourskin Records | Amselcom | Stuttgart]

_Florian Bühler

Lights and visuals by KOLLEKTOR EMITTER.

<ritual digital> is a monthly party for contemporary electronica, and tender dance music at White Noise. Hosted by the ritual digital collective.

Doors open: 21:00
Nachtclub, Bar & Café White Noise
Eberhardstr. 35 - 70327 Stuttgart - DE
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