Masquerade-Ball organised by the European Youth Parliament LU

Sat. 08. July 2017, 22:00 Ora


Celebrate with us the first ever EYP LU Masquerade Ball! It is your chance to reunite with EYPers all over Europe and celebrate this past amazing year, with a row of great sessions and achievements as well as the fantastic upcoming year with lots of new opportunities! Finally, you will be able to talk with EYPers without being in a hurry to finish your resolutions respectively on high coffee consume due to lack of sleep.
Have a rest and let yourself enjoy this special night in the best way possible.

International guests may seek accommodation at the Luxembourg City Youth Hostel or Luxembourgish EYPers.

Early Bird tickets: 10 Euros
Late bird ticket 13 Euros
Hurry up, we have a limited amount of tickets.

As soon as the money is transferred to the EYP LU account and we have received a receipt (a confirmation of the transaction) send to, your ticket will be emailed to you by E-mail.


LU64 0030 8937 4723 0000
145 r. de la Tour Jacob - 1831 Luxembourg - L
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