Tresor & DJ Stingray pres. Kern Vol. 4 Record Release

Fri. 07. July 2017, 23:59 Ora


DJ Stingray
Dopplereffekt - LIVE
Helena Hauff
System Olympia

DJ Stingray
Svengalisghost - LIVE
Christopher Joseph
Nene Hatun
Skinny D

DJ Stingray
The Exaltics - LIVE
Silvia Kastel


To feel the future is to feel the fall into time.

Like a kind of transcendental whiplash, the past leans in to furnish the present with a set of concrete forms and withering terms, whilst the halo of possibility on the crown of the moment makes speculation a speed-test for computing what comes next. As a vessel for abstract dynamics, the human organism knows what it is to be dizzy, to feel vertigo as a matter of being contained by our experience of space and time.

For the fourth instalment in Tresor’s ‘Kern’ mix CD series, DJ Stingray presents a device for decoding time in all directions, a sonic prism that refracts our senses into auxiliary components of a total future-rush.

With a far-reaching selection that has been worked into his own unique form, DJ Stingray wraps our vertigo around a gritty pneumatic bump with high-velocity swing. His mixing style, prepared for hostile engagements as it is, throttles techno into counter-gravity forces. Wading through a specialised cross-section of Detroit’s own dance-floor contagions as well as the contaminated feedback signals from across the global aqua plains, the mix can be summed up in just one word: hectic.

Raw, caustic, synthetic rhythm-code pumps frenzy itself through a cascading geothermal fog. Never giving away the cryptographic keys, DJ Stingray works you harder than your heart, adapting your biology to a fractal timeline of viscous systems.

Discovery, or uncovering, has to do with what already exists actually or virtually; it is therefore certain to happen sooner or later with enough sweat in the club. And as Kern Volume 4 attests to, DJ Stingray has the access codes and the stealth sense to make a place of a space, and to let it fall into time.

Accompanying the mix CD is a set of two records. The leading manoeuvre comes from the collaborative efforts of DJ Stingray and Gerald Donald under the name NRSB-11 with a new track ‘Nationalised’. Seven more pieces of covert assault make up the vinyl release.

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