Djabe with Steve Hackett (Genesis) & Gulli Briem

Wed. 07. June 2017, 20:30 Ora


Djabe with Steve Hackett (Genesis) & Gulli Briem (Mezzoforte) tour
Djabe hits the road once again with the legendary Genesis guitarist, Steve Hackett, and the drummer of Mezzoforte, Gulli Briem. During the tour on 7th June, they visit Wien, and play at Reigen.
Djabe, under its 21-year life received numerous awards and recognitions, both national and international, and performed in 42 countries world-wide. They played with a lot of international guest musicians during their career. One paramount star is Steve Hackett, guitarist of Genesis, with whom they worked together continuously since 2003. Steve first appeared on Djabe’s album ’Sheafs are dancing’, and gave their first joint concert in London, 2004. Since 2007 they have a short tour together somewhere in the world every year. Malaysia, Bosnia, Austria, Slovenia, Netherlands, Latvia, Croatia, Slovakia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Russia and Hungary are only some of the more memorable gig locations. In Romania, at Garana Jazz Festival they played for a crowd of 13 000.
While Djabe became known as the no.1. Hungarian Jazz/World fusion band, their special project with Steve Hackett goes further and takes adventures into the genre of progressive rock. They play Genesis, Steve Hackett and Djabe compositions in equivalent quantity. Recurring peaks of these joint gigs are the Peter Gabriel-era Genesis pieces ‘Firth of Fifth’ or the Phil Collins-era ‘Los Endos’. However, Steve Hackett fits into Djabe pieces very well: they released numerous albums together and co-starred on each other’s albums, also.
For this tour in June, 2017 another international star joins the line-up: Gulli Briem, legendary drummer of Mezzoforte. Gulli Briem first met Steve Hackett and Djabe first in 2008 at the Latvian Saulkrasti Festival, but first played together in 2012 at the Hungarian premiere of the band’s album ‘Down And Up’ where they played Genesis tracks together.
Since then Gulli appeared on Djabe albums and performed frequently at gigs, national and international alike. In 2014 he joined the Central-European tour of Hackett and Djabe. Their outstanding musical footprint is available on Vinyl, CD, DVD and Blu-ray: the concert album ‘Live in Blue’, released under the name ‘Djabe with Steve Hackett, Gulli Briem and John Nugent’.


VVK: 20€
AK: 25€

Reigen live
Hadikgasse 62 - 1140 Wien - AT
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