Form | Uebel & Gefährlich

Thu. 25. May 2017, 20:00 Ora


Donnerstag, 25. Mai
form/prim im Uebel & Gefährlich


form from Cottenweiler (now Berlin) is a do-gooder of rapper. He consists of inventiveness, a lot poverty of stupidity and almost boundlessly pleasure of survival of everything you can create with language and music. Even if it is Hardcorerap on brachial drums, unsettling wisdom on unsettling breaking beat constructions, portuguese singn, rap texts on schwäbisch (german dialect), folk music samples, drumm&bass, beats which consists of just two line or incredible videos which were filmed in Iran, Marocco or in Ukraine. form is a poltical human. That means to celebrate life, but in the same time to criticise reality. forms music appreciate the human range on emotions. It will be funny and sad, angry, despairing and constructive.

Uebel & Gefährlich
Feldstraße 66 - 20359 Hamburg - DE
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