Kebu (FIN) - Perplexagon Tour 2017

Thu. 30. March 2017, 20:00 Ora


Kebu (alias Sebastian Teir) from Finland is a bright comet in the world of synthesizer music, whose latest album "Perplexagon" (Secret Entertainment 2016) debuted as number 6 on the Finnish album charts. Kebu is a true synthesizer wizard, whose polished Youtube videos have gathered over 7 million views and fans from all around the globe. Kebu's music is distinguished not only by a dedicated treatment of analogue synthesis but also of an audience-captivating live performance. His concerts radiate warmth and joy and show off a huge arsenal of analogue synths, which brings to mind the best solo synthesizer artists from the 1970's and 1980's. Indeed, Swedish said in a rave review of one of Kebu's gig that "Jarre's successor has arrived". In 2016, Kebu carried out a successful tour in Northern Europe and he is currently preparing for a larger Europe-wide tour in 2017. Kebu was nominated both as Best artist of the year and for Best album of the year in the German Schallwelle Music Awards 2013 and 2017.
Kulturzentrum Tollhaus
Alter Schlachthof 35 - 76131 Karlsruhe - DE
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