NELL - Live Solo Set from the voice of Ibiza House Orchestra

Sat. 04. March 2017, 22:00 Ora


Nell Shakespeare is one of Ibiza's most loved singers, having been a part of so many great bands over the 8 years she's lived here..... including The Rolling Soul, The Topaz Movement, Ibiza House Orchestra (and even Imagination for one night only!)
Through it all though, she's always been a big fan of performing solo... just her voice and her guitar.
So for the first time at Rio, one of San Antonio's coolest port-side hang-outs, she'll be there on Saturday night, sharing with you her favourite cover versions alongside a few original songs.
Nell's also well known for her great sense of humour too so feel free to come and bring your banter!
Rio Ibiza
Paseig de la Mar 8 - 07820 Sant Antoni de Portmany - E
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