Single or Nahhh

Fri. 17. February 2017, 22:00 Ora


Single or Nahhh... brought to you by B. Rome Ent and BSE

Bringing you the party for the party people!!!

Shhhh...What happens at EuroPalace stays at EuroPalace

Band Labels:

Red - Taken
Yellow - " RFW" Ready for whatever
Green- Single

This party will be full of excitement and to get it started you will receive drink specials depending on your wristband color upon entry..

Drinks ☑️
Music ☑️
Dancing ☑️

Allll nigghhhtt long!!! This party will be a night to remember so come out, have a great time and leave with someone or enjoy the night with your significant other... either way, expect a
Euro Palace
Peter-Sander-Str.39 - 55252 Mainz-Kastel - DE
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