Rock of Ages

Tue. 24. January 2017, 02:00 Ora

Tickets: $30.00 - $65.00

Back by popular demand!!! It's been a year since ROCK OF AGES melted faces at the HIGHLINE BALLROOM and there has been a serious lack of mullets, jell-o shots & boob jokes in NYC ever since. So break out your acid wash jeans and spandex leopard print top and head to Chelsea on JANUARY 23rd to celebrate the 27th longest running show in Broadway history. Performer list is yet to be announced, but it will include cast members from opening through closing night with Arsenal shredding all your favorite songs from the show!

DON’T BREAK UP THE BAND: A ROCK OF AGES BROADWAY CAST REUNION is Directed by Matthew DiCarlo with Music Direction by Henry Aronson. Rock of Ages was originally penned by Chris D’Arienzo and featured direction by Kristin Hanggi and choreography by Kelly Devine, with music supervision, arrangements and orchestrations by Ethan Popp.

Showmance Productions is a New York City based production company founded by Spencer Howard, specializing in Broadway Concerts & Events.

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