Deeptuesday with Digitaria (Hot Creations/ Item & things)

Tue. 20. December 2016, 23:30 Ora


deeptuesday born from the love for the underground sounds and the good vibes, everynight deeptuesday involves the passion for music saturated with feeling - full of melodies and true soul, steady warm 4/4 vibes

Daniela Caldellas and Daniel Albinati are the names behind Digitaria. They come from Brazil and started playing together as a four-piece band in 2004, making dance music experiments with a big range of influences, creating beautiful and unusual tunes. The philosophy behind their music never changed with the years — electronic music should have no boundaries, creativity and feelings are the only things that matter. There must be no rules for creation.
City Hall
Rambla de Catalunya, 2-4 - 08007 Barcelona - E
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