Freak Valley X-Mas Fest

Sat. 17. December 2016, 16:00 Ora


Die Rock Freaks präsentieren am 17. Dezember das Freak Valley X-Mas Fest im Vortex Surfer Musikclub. Neben Livemusik gibt es eine Plattenbörse, Vegetarische Leckereien und einen freaky Weihnachtsmarkt.


Limestone Whale - Heavy Psych, Psychedelic Rock, Hard Rock, Alternative Rock

weitere Bands folgen in Kürze!

Formed in the shadows of the Bavarian forest LIMESTONE WHALE have developed their very own approach to heavy psych blues – far beyond prevailing stereotypes.
The quartet combines the natural roughness of proto metal and psychedelic rock with straight 70ies inspired blues and hard rock. With their mixture of heavy riffs and refreshing melodies the young but yet experienced musicians create a vivid and stirring presence on stage.
Limestone Whale are definitely among the few bands who are able to revive the spirit of the golden age of rock music without trying to sound „retro“.
Auf den Hütten 4 - 57072 Siegen - DE
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