LowLands Edition One

Sat. 05. November 2016, 22:00 Ora


LowLands Drum and Bass presents :
°Liquid & Deep DnB°

On the 5th of November, LowLands will open its gates.
We invite you, to be part of our community and celebrate the art of drum and bass music at "Melusina Club" .
Experience the finest liquid & deep drum and bass combined with contemporary beats from 10pm to 3am in the morning.

For our first edition we're inviting 5 established local talents and 5 international artists from the Belgium based label Memento.


- Sorted Seizure (Be) (Faceless Audio / Memento)

- N-Gin (Be) (Liquicity / Audioporn / Memento)

- Avalon (Be) (Memento)

- Drumslave (Be) (Memento)

- Slunnes (Lux) (Infuriated Soundz)

- Thelostone (Lux) (LowLands)

- Dark Waters (Lux) (LowLands)

- Siphlex (Lux) (Binologie)

- Prontox (Lux) (LowLands)

- Amnesia (Lux) (LowLands)

When : Wednesday-November 2nd / From 22:00 - 06:00
Where : Melusina Club + Lounge
Presale Price : 8 Euros (+ guaranteed Wristband)
Box Office : 10 Euros (+wristband if there are any left)


°If you have any question about the event or something else concerning LowLands , just send us a message on our facebook page°

(To enter this event you have to be 16 years old / Bring a valid ID with you)
145 r. de la Tour Jacob - 1831 Luxembourg - L
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