FOUN pres. Monika Kruse, Bassel Darwish, Edvex, Vic Halley

Fri. 04. November 2016, 23:55 Ora


Get ready for the next shot: Monika Kruse!
Next Friday 4th Nov, a very special night with the woman behind Terminal M, Bassel Darwish, Edvex and Vic Halley.

Line up:

Monika Kruse
Bassel Darwish
Vic Halley.

Write YOUR NAME ON THE WALL to be on the guestlist:
00:00h - 1:00h > Free acess
1:00h - 2:30h > 12€ + drink

City Hall - Barcelona Rambla Catalunya 2-4
City Hall
Rambla de Catalunya, 2-4 - 08007 Barcelona - E
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