Trap Them, Okkultokrati, Venom Prison

Mon. 24. October 2016, 20:00 Ora


Trap Them + Okkultokrati + Venom Prison

Trap Them was formed in 2002 in Boston, MA by vocalist/lyricist Ryan McKenney and guitarist Brian Izzi, who shared a love of bands such as Entombed, Black Flag, Nasum, Swans, Neurosis, Darkthrone, and Tragedy. The current lineup is completed by bassist Galen Baudhuin and drummer Brad Fickeisen. Infamous for their signature hybrid of metal, d-beat punk, and hardcore cloaked in the coveted HM-2 guitar sound, Trap Them is an unstoppable force. Lyrically and sonically, Trap Them’s music is bleak, angry, desperate, and speaks to the darkness inside us all. Every release since 2006 has been recorded by Converge guitarist Kurt Ballou at God City Studios. Since 2002, Trap Them has released various EPs, 7’’s, and 4 critically acclaimed full length albums: SLEEPWELL DECONSTRUCTOR, SEIZURES IN BARREN PRAISE,DARKER HANDCRAFT, and BLISSFUCKER. The band has toured with the likes of Converge, Napalm Death, Victims, Rotten Sound, Extreme Noise Terror, Full of Hell, Disfear, and Black Breath among others, and have appeared at Maryland Deathfest, Temples Fest, Inferno Fest, Deathwish Fest, and Roadburn. The brand new album, CROWN FERAL is completed and will be released Fall 2016 on Prosthetic records.
Eintritt VVK: 15.00 €
| Open: 20:00 | Start: 20:30
Große Elbstraße 84 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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