Freak Sabbath Vol.2 w/ Asteroid [SW] & Yawning Man [US] & Special Guest

Sat. 24. September 2016, 20:00 Ora


Das FREAK SABBATH Fest geht in die 2te Runde!!

Asteroid [SW] - Hardrock/Blues/Jam
Yawning Man (Official) [US] - Desert Rock/Ambient/Instrumental
Special Guest(s)

Doors: 20:00

For the past ten years, Asteroid have been one of the trend setting bands in the independent psychedelic heavy rock community. With their origin in hard hitting stoner rock, they’ve constantly been adding more musical layers to evolve their own unique brand of rock. With inspiration taken from American and British Blues and Swedish folk music, the three piece always bring something new and fresh to the table.

"It’s got the murky darkness of the more menacing Zeppelin songs, the spaciness of Floyd’s cosmic tracks, and the bluesiness of Howlin’ Wolf - not to mention the incredible harmonies that tie everything together and keep you coming back for more." - AMAZON

YAWNING MAN was the sickest desert band of all time. Influenced by everything from the psychedelic to the folkloric, jazz, hard rock, roots punk, world music, the sound of this trio while hard to describe is visual and cinamatic, heavy and melancholy, driving and daydreaming.
Closely aligned to both the stoner-rock scene which adores them (despite their total lack of ‘Sabbath-like riffery), and the SST family of artists (Black Flag, Minutemen, Meat Puppets) which they are linked to, their highly vocal fan base runs the gamut from stoners to avant-rockers to even Julian Cope.
The YAWNING MAN song "Catamaran" was recorded by the influencial hard rock/ desert rock band Kyuss, on their 3rd album "And The Circus Leaves Town". The first full length LP from YAWNING MAN "Rock Formations" released in 2006 came almost 20 years after the bands organic beginnings, with Gary Arce on guitars, Alfredo Hernandez on drums and Mario Lalli on Bass. Now, again twenty years later, YAWNING MAN still is going strong!
Auf den Hütten 4 - 57072 Siegen - DE
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