RÔTATION meets BLACK CIRCUS (+ FSG Hardtechno/Schranz Floor)!

Sat. 09. April 2016, 22:00 Ora


Hans-Bunte-Str. 16c
79108 Freiburg

Sa. 9. April 2016

Rôtation - Straight Techno at Hans Bunte - Freiburg meets Black Circus
Straight Techno at Hans Bunte

Kühlhalle: Techno Floor

Mike Maass (Black Circus / Berlin)

Audiomotor (Black Circus / Wiesbaden)

MCMXC (Black Circus / Berlin)

Support by: Mik


TV Floor: Hardtechno / Schranz / & more - Floor presented by Fsg Offenburg

SlugoS -LIVE- (Trival Booking)

Two of a Kind aka PsychOpel & Frank Werner (Hard Basement)

eddy0ne (Schubfaktor / Schranzfabrik / Meinklang / Maschine)

Support by: Phileptikker, Mow Flotion

Special: Light and Laser TV Floor by kempevents.de

Fsg Offenburg Infos: https://www.facebook.com/FSG.Offenburg


Beginn: 22.00 h

FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/590517011095644/


Wir sind auch zu laut für die Innenstadt!
Die gesamte Nacht hindurch fährt eine STRASSENBAHN, nämlich die Line 4, ab Bertolsbrunnen oder auch ab Hauptbahnhof (Line 4 Richtung Zähringen). Ihr fahrt hier einfach bis zur Endhaltestelle Gundelfingerstr.
Den Rest legt ihr locker zu Fuß zurück.




Mike Maass (Black Circus / Berlin)
Hailing from Germany, Mike Maass started his career back in 2009. His signature sound is a well-crafted blend of driving, dark, heavy hitting techno.
With his hard work and consistent releases on top labels like Trapez, Brood Audio, 1605, Italo Business, TK Records and 069 Techno, Mike has cemented his position as one of the most exciting new talents to keep an eye out for.
Mike has been showcased at clubs like Tresor, Butan, U60311, Villa Rouge, Kunstpark and LVC. He has had the honor of dropping his throbbing techno sets at countless festivals like Nature One, Heaven & Hill, Klangbeats and Feier Rhein.
With several collaborations and remixes under his belt, Mike has worked with many other artists like Subfractal, Niereich, Hackler & Kuch, Torsten Kanzler, Spark Taberner and Dandi & Ugo.
Mike Maass is setting his goals high and is already reaching the uppermost echelons of the genre so watch out for the new techno kid from Germany!

Audiomotor (Black Circus / Wiesbaden)
Audiomotor is the alias of the '94 born young and uprising artist Lucas Haarmann. Lucas has been in love with music his whole life and before he discovered techno at the age of 15, he played in bands of various genres from punk to death metal and had been producing music since he was 14.
He started the project Audiomotor together with a friend back in 2010 and has been in love with techno ever since. Soon they played their first gigs and until 2013, they already had played in clubs such as the Palazzo in Bingen, the U60311 in Frankfurt or the Butan in Wuppertal.
In 2012 they found their musical home with their residency at Vollgaaas Entertainment in Wiesbaden and in the fall of 2012 they also started releasing their own productions and remixes on labels such as Brachial Kontakt and Sound of Techno.
In late 2013 Dennis and Lucas split up and Lucas continued Audiomotor as his solo project. He then joined the Black Circus, an uprising Event & Booking Agency and is now working on the further development of his sound which is best described as driving, atmospheric and emotional.

MCMXC (Black Circus / Berlin)
Angefangen mit Minimal Techno unter seinem Pseudonym Woody, war Kai Wodinski aka MCMXC schnell klar, dass es nicht das ist, was er wirklich will. Er gründete zusammen mit Mike Maass die Agentur Black Circus, startete unter neuem Pseudonym Intense Pressure (inzwischen MCMXC) und bewegt seitdem die Massen mit kompromisslosen, energetischen und düsteren Techno. Clubs wie der Soundpark in Würzburg, das Le Baby in Marseille (Frankreich), die Elektroküche in Köln, das Butan in Wuppertal oder der Kunstpark in Köln blieben von seinen mitreißenden Sets nicht verschont, da dauerte es auch nicht lange, bis die ersten Releases zum Vorschein kamen und nun sieht man den Jungen aus Rheinberg auf diversen namhaften Labels wie Björn Torwellen's Steil, Dandi & Ugo's Italo Business, Electrorite's Shout Records und dem eigenen Imprint Black Circus. Dies ist gerade mal der Start eines jungen Talentes aus der Technoschmiede von Mike Maass und man kann einfach nur gespannt sein, mit welchen Projekten er uns demnächst zum Staunen bringt.


SlugoS -LIVE- (Trival Booking / Brainstorm Records // Berlin - Madrid)
Born 1989 December 11th in Madrid, began to move from an early age in the Madrid's hip-hop scene. With 13 years he started to show his creative skills with a can of paint from walls to trains from his city.
At 16 he became interested in electronic music and started to visit his first raves. His interest in electronic music is not defined yet in a particular style, until he met the techno, which one became interested in their hard and dark branches. Finally ended found the HardTechno style which definitely decanted and starts producing. From production, shortly after becomes to mix.
Just a year after start mixing makes his first public performance in CODE, sharing line up with producers like FL-X, Greg NoTill, Scott Kemix y Waldhaus & Weichentechnikk.
Since then he has performed in clubs and festivals like FABRIK (Madrid), Kashmir Underground (Hungary), B-Lack (Austria), WhyNot Disco (Italy), RESET Club (Madrid), Hard Beats (Portugal), Storm Club (CZ), La Cova (Barcelona), The End of the World (Tarragona), The Qontinent (Belgium), Time Techno (Motril)…
Among some labels that he has released his music are Cannibal Society, Mental Torments, Distorted, AudioCode and many more.
Since 2012 is completely focused to his LIVE! Set and from 2014 he started his own record label "Brainstorm Records", hand to hand with the brazilian producer Malke.
Is now considered a national reference in terms of production, his tracks are authentic "dance hits" and never are missing on the sets of the top artists.

Two of a Kind aka PsychOpel & Frank Werner (Hard Basement)
Daniel Opel & Frank Werner ✯✯ Heads of Hard Basement Events ✯✯
Style: Hardtechno / Techno

EDDYONE (Schubfaktor / Schranzfabrik / Meinklang / Maschine)
Sascha End aka eddy0ne, was born 1990 in the German town Homburg, started to spin vinyls in the age of 16, inspired by styles like Techno, Drum and Bass and House he began in the age of 18 to Produce his own harder Beats with Fruity Loops.
2008 he´s got his first Release on a Netlabel called "Confuz" with Kevin Blank.
eddy0ne´s Hardtechno style was born.
He was listening to Hardtechno more and more and became a very big fan of it,
with 18 he went with his over the years collected vinyls to his first hardtechno parties as Dj. In the age of Digital Music he use his skills more to produce his Beats and look for labels till this day and
There is no prospect of an end!
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