Electric Deluxe: Speedy j & AnD [lehmann club] 28th November

Sat. 28. November 2015, 23:00 Ora


We’ve got quite the soft spot for Lehman Club. The year wouldn’t be complete without a visit, which is why on November 28 we’re touching down once again. This time with our own Cosmic Microwave Background channellers in tow.

It’s been a long hot summer for AnD, and they’re showing no signs of slowing down. Since dropping their debut album things have been going from strength to strength for the pair. Hard on the road ever since, they’ve taken the festival season by storm, blowing holes in dance floors across Germany, Holland, the Mediterranean and beyond. As fierce vinyl advocates—when not delivering the goods live—these two crate diggers love nothing more than to hurl a crowd up and down the timeline, dropping ragged vintage classics amongst some of the boldest, bloodiest cuts around.

The chief’s had a busy year as well with gigs almost every weekend. But like a well oiled machine, he’s sharp, slick and ready to take you on a bit of a mind trip. Don’t give it all away to AnD, save some room for desert.

Seidenstraße 20 - 70174 Stuttgart - DE
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