Faux Basement - Opening

Sat. 06. June 2015, 23:59 Ora


To chase the excellence, work with the responsibility of a premier club, explore the nuances of what clubbers demand, there are three ideas that give substance to Eden Ibiza concept. Faux Basement is the second announcement of this definitive back to the Ibiza club scene. Deeptech, bassline, pure underground on Saturday night at Eden Ibiza.

Straight from Manchester, Faux Basement are dedicated to bringing fresh new clubbing experiences to the true house music lovers of today, an underground movement driving for an inspiring sound that moves the international vanguards circuits. A weekly-residency in16 sessions that will blow your mind.

David Zowie, Purple Disco Machine, Copyright, SEFF, Tom Novy, Ridney, Jason Bye, Fake Remedy, Flashmob, Lewis Boardman, Kreature, Jon Fitz, Dermot C & Jordan Murphy are some of the names that switch the engine on to the two rooms and the awesome Incubus Gold soundsystem of Eden Ibiza.

«I feel this night will bring a fresh new feel. We are energetic, true, honest music loving promoters who aim to create a new movement of clubbers to San Antonio», says promoter and DJ Jon Fitz.

From the 6th of June until the 19th of September Eden Ibizapresents Faux Basement -Saturdays at San Antonio will never be the shame! #edenibizaisback

Salvador Espiriu - 07820 San Antonio de Portmany / Ibiza - E
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