Fri. 18. May 2012, 23:30 Ora


It´s time to pack away your woolly wardrobe and say goodbye to you winter blues as the eagerly anticipated 2012 Ibiza season appears across the horizon. Things are hotting up already and trust us it looks like the island is set for one big summer not to be missed. Marking the official start of the summer is the notorious Es Paradis Opening party on Friday 18th May. With a line up including the Ibiza legend Dj Oliver plus Hed Kandi´s Sam Cannon, resident Water Party dj, Alex Seda and our very own Steeve ´MDK´Valverde as well as the visually stunning dancers, acrobats and aerialists it lookis like our opening party will continue its reputation of being one of the most memorable nights of the year. Attended every year by Ibiza´s glitteratti expect to experience a taste of the amazing things to come in the summer of 2012. Every year we´re rammed to the pyramid shaped rafters so make sure you get down early to avoid dissappointment. TICKETS ON SALE NOW at, for group discounts email and for VIP bookings email Es ya casi el momento de guardar la ropa de invierno y decir adiós al frío hivernal porque el principio del verano 2012 asoma por el horizonte. Como siempre, la apertura de Es Paradis marcará el principio del verano en la noche del viernes 18 de mayo, con un cartel que incluye al mítico Dj Oliver, el residente de HedKandi Sam Cannon, nuestro residente en la mítica Fiesta del Agua, Alex Seda y a nuestro dj residente Steeve Valverde, entre otros que iremos anunciando. El espectáculo de bailarinas, acróbatas y artistas aéreos dará el toque final a una de las noches más memorables del verano. Las entradas están ya a la venta en, para precios especiales en grupos contacta con y para reservas vip con

Es Paradis
Salvador Espriu, 2 - 07820 Sant Antoni de Portmany - E
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