
Alt-Tempelhof 17-19 - 12099 Berlin -

Über INSOMNIA-Nightclub

Es raubt Dir den Schlaf! (English Version below)

Das INSOMNIA ist DER hedonistische Hotspot, wo sich Partypeople, Freaks, Paradiesvögel, Nachtgestalten, Reisende und Kreative zum Tanz auf dem Vulkan treffen. Seit vielen Jahren fest etabliert in der bunten Clubszene der Hauptstadt, öffnen sich hier an jedem Wochenende die Pforten für Fremde und Freunde, die mehr suchen als nur eine gewöhnliche Tanz - Party.

Stilvolles Ambiente im historischen Ballsaal in schwarz, rot und gold, ein Laser- gefluteter Dancefloor, treibende Beats der besten Berliner Szene DJs, verspielte Nischen zum Chillen & More, leckere Drinks und Cocktails an der Bar oder direkt im Whirlpool, versprechen dem neugierigen Besucher unvergessliche und vor allem schlaflose Nächte.

Unsere Resident DJs laden ein zu House, Electro, Techno und Trance: Jumble, Monty, Jordan, Green, Maringo, die Kofferboys, Myti, Miss Sunshine u.v.m.

Regelmäßig treten internationale Performer, Artisten, Burlesque Tänzerinnen und Erotikstars auf. Fotografen, Bildhauer, Designer und andere Künstler präsentieren ihre erotischen Werke.

Das INSOMNIA ist frivol, elegant, libertinär, obszön und voller frischer Ideen - eine gekonnte Analogie des 21. Jahrhunderts zu den „Wilden Zwanzigern“ in Berlin, geschaffen von Dominique Insomnia, einer wahren Gallionsfigur des Hedonismus und ihrem Partner.

Geöffnet ist von Dienstag bis Sonntag mit unterschiedlichsten Angeboten.


Hedonism has finally moved into a luscious art nouveau fin de siècle ballroom fully restored with love and utmost care to every detail. The INSOMNIA is closing a gap in the capitals nightlife, being enticing, provoking and stimulating to say the least.

Erotically inspired clubbers regularly meet in this golden-red cathedral to celebrate the dance on the volcano and to thrive in passion. The prices are guaranteed so stay moderately low. It is the new and stylish stage for the creatures of the night, the colourful and the glamorous, the fetishist and the worshipper and all those who want to see and then, of course be seen.

During the week the INSOMNIA hosts a variety of events, including loungy evenings and letyour-hair-down-parties. It is a second living room to meet with friends and strangers. No better place for that first blind date with chatroom internet acquaintances. You can check him out in a safe and clean environment instead of meeting him at your apartment door.

Dominique is deeply rooted in the SM- and fetish-scene. She opened her first SM studio in 1987. At age 20 she was the founding member of the sadomasochistic interest community, a non-for-profit organization, that is openly fighting for public tolerance towards SM and fetish. She is, however, probably best known for the Insomnia parties at the KitKatClub, that she organized and hosted for more than seven years.
After that, she rediscovered the swinger-scene with her partner in France in the Cap d'Agde. She has rounded up an abundance of experience by creating this unique and special playground of her own.

And there it is! A club that caters to satisfy all of your senses. A full sound carpet is at the hands of first rate DJ's, backing up performance acts that go beyond and stretch your limits. Designer furniture has been designed not just for sitting, while the "White Ninja" guards closed quarters, the view-protected area, right next to the jacuzzi.

The INSOMNIA is elegant, frivolous, libertarian and bursts with new Ideas, clearly 2K's answer to the roaring twenties. The club offers a variety of events from Tuesday until Sunday.

Eventos pasados - INSOMNIA-Nightclub
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