Secret Gaden: Deniz Bul

Sat. 20. October 2018, 22:00 horas


Secret Garden präsentiert euch

Over the years Deniz sound developed and in 2016 he signed at Boris Brejcha´s label "FCKNG SERIOUS".

"The World Needs More Techno" is Deniz message. His slogan is more then just a nice phrase. The meaning behind it is to come together, have a good time & dance with the people around. Be tolerant, be kind and even when it sounds like a cliche - it´s about love and it is about peace.

// Deniz Bul ( FCKNG SERIOUS )

// Monoplay & Dansre


22-01 | WHY.ARE
01-03 | DEeiz Bul
03-05 | Monoplay & Dansre

Gewinne 5x1 Gästelistenplatz: Event teilen - an die Eventpinnwand FCKNG SERIOUS posten und schon nimmst du dran Teil.

Einlass ab 18
Eintritt: 10€

Dein Neuer Techno Floor Jeden Samstag
Like The SecretGarden im Tropi

Sigmaringerstr.146 - 72458 Albstadt - DE
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