Death Alley + Honeymoon Disease

Thu. 17. May 2018, 19:30 horas


Death Alley (NL)

After a period of relentless touring and turmoil, the Dutch powerhouse is re-invented, re-born, and ready to take on the world with their refined brand of infectious yet challenging rock n' roll. Set for release in March 2018 through Century Media Records, 'Superbia' is the follow-up to the 2015 debut album 'Black Magick Boogieland'.

Formed in Amsterdam in 2013, Death Alley is a rare mix of punk attitude and diligent, musical precision. As crossover as it gets while still keeping focus – the fourpiece holds King Crimson as close to their hearts as The Stooges; Hawkwind and Poison Idea are loved in equal measure; the acid flows, but this ain't no hippie band. Fueling this relentless machine of seeming contradictions is a pure love for great music, and a restless thirst for the deep end of the pool. No risk? No reward. First you acknowledge that coil around your neck, then you shake it off.
On stage Douwe is flanked by guitar prodigy Oeds Beydals and the latest addition to the group - bassist Sander Bus. Oeds first made a name for himself in the now legendary Dutch rock band The Devil's Blood. Anchoring the line-up since 2016 is Swedish drummer Uno Bruniusson, most notably known for his work in In Solitude and Procession. Together they have a reputation as one of the most energetic live acts on the contemporary rock scene - as proven on the road, counting Kadavar, The Shrine and Dirty Fences as a few of their touring partners from the last few years.

Honeymoon Disease (SWE)

Honeymoon Disease is a speedy rock’n’roll quartet from Gothenburg, Sweden. With flaming guitar riffs, sweaty 70’s grooves and heavy action stage performances, this band will give you a colorful punch right in the face – A glowing black eye with a taste of bands like Thin Lizzy, The Hellacopters and Kiss. Honeymoon Disease was formed 2014 and after releasing the debut album “The Transcendence” (Napalm Records) they've been a fast growing live act on the European rock stages – touring and supporting bands like Imperial State Electric, Graveyard, The Shrine, RavenEye, Bombus and The Vintage Caravan. The band's second album “Part Human, Mostly Beast” will be unleashed on October 27th (2017) via The Sign Records. A 12-track high voltage rock record spiced with powerful and groovy soul. The two singles “Doin' it Agan” and “Four Stroke Woman” was released this summer, which is a first taste of the upcoming album that holds a rough and more lively sound that captures the band's sweaty and intense feeling on stage.

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