Grails // Dortmund // FZW

Sat. 12. May 2018, 19:00 horas


Grails is a band most easily described as "restless". They've stubbornly pushed against the staid cliches of instrumental music and towards new sonic frontiers, creating heavily textured albums, stacked deep with epic song hooks and exotic instrumentation. Grails carry echoes of the classic bands of many genres, but they combine those various styles onto a single record, under one umbrella of musical freedom. They are the renowned stylistic globetrotters of a fanatical underground record collecting scene, able to hybridize their disparate musical heritage (from The Ventures to 'Tibetan Crime-Jazz') with grace and confidence to build new languages out of genres that were never intended to work together.


Karten gibt es bei uns im FZW, an allen VVK-Stellen und in unserem günstigeren Online-Shop:
Unser Ticketshop hat montags bis freitags von 11.00 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr geöffnet und befindet sich auf der Rückseite des FZW gegenüber des Haupteingangs an den Bürofenstern. Nur Bargeldzahlung möglich. VVK-Preis bei uns: 16,10 €
FZW Freizeitzentrum West
Ritterstr. 20 - 44137 Dortmund - DE
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